Interning at Nordic Capital: “A great way to learn and discover what it’s really like to work in private equity”

JANUARY 31 2024

Nordic Capital Advisors' full-time internship programme provides candidates with a solid introduction to the private equity industry and first-hand experience of sourcing and advising on deal situations. Applications for the next programme are now open!

We caught up with Filippa Hegardt, who recently completed her internship at the Stockholm office, as she reflects on her tenure working closely with the firm's investment team and its portfolio of fast-growing companies.

In line with Nordic Capital's aim of being a leading subsector-specialist investor with a resolute commitment to creating stronger, sustainable businesses, interns have the chance to gain valuable experience and insights from advising on new transaction processes and supporting the development of the portfolio companies.

The application process for the next Internship Programme, taking place during the autumn of 2024 in Stockholm, is now open. In a full-time paid position, interns join the Investment Advisory Team for ten weeks at the Stockholm office.

"One thing I really enjoyed was that I was given responsibility, and I felt like I was genuinely a part of the team."

Filippa Hegardt

In this interview, Filippa Hegardt reflects on gained insights and the biggest learnings from the internship period.


What attracted you to apply for your internship?
Last spring, I attended a networking event for students at the Stockholm office, and I was very impressed and intrigued by the firm and the people. After the event, I applied for the internship because I wanted to get first-hand experience within private equity, and it felt like Nordic Capital would be the perfect place to be.

From the get-go, I was really impressed by Nordic Capital's excellent track record and their subsector focus, which perfectly aligned with my interests.

How was your overall experience?
The internship was an amazing experience! I got to be involved in many different deal projects and furthered my understanding of the different stages of making an investment. Nordic Capital includes some of the world’s leading companies in its portfolio and understanding how the team works closely with them to deliver on their growth ambitions was very inspiring. One thing I really enjoyed was that I was given responsibility, and I felt like I was genuinely a part of the team.

It was great to learn and discover what it is really like to work in private equity. I would encourage anyone who is interested in getting first-hand experience from the industry to apply for the internship.

How would you describe the Nordic Capital culture?
I think the culture is excellent. Everyone was very friendly, welcoming and always ready to answer questions – and quickly made me feel a part of the team. In addition, everyone is very talented, hardworking, and collaborative.

If you could give 3 pieces of advice to future interns, what would they be?

  • Be curious and ask questions. Lots of them.
  • Make good use of the resources around you. You are surrounded by experts in their fields who are super helpful and can give you great advice and guidance.
  • Enjoy your time as an intern! The time will fly by.

Where are you heading off to next?
I am first finishing my master's degree at the Stockholm School of Economics, and then I am moving to London to start working at J.P. Morgan as an Investment Banking Analyst.

Nordic Capital Advisors' Internship Programme

If you're interested in joining, find out more and apply here.

Career at Nordic Capital Advisors

Read more about career prospects here.