Our Impact | Nordic Capital

Growing sustainable businesses

Driving sustainable transformation

ESG metrics
NC Mood 11 (1)


At Nordic Capital, sustainability is integral to our business strategy. We seek to drive transformative sustainable growth in the companies we own. To be part of the solution, we invest in companies that actively work to solve global challenges, creating a prosperous society for everyone and driving transformative sustainable change.

"It has never been more important for investors navigating uncertainty to sharpen their ESG approach. Both to manage volatility and to develop greater resilience. Big transitions are made possible by millions of small steps so let’s join forces to shape the future, bringing new insight, implementing high ESG standards and taking action to create a more prosperous society."

Elin Ljung, Managing Director, Head of Sustainability and Communication

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Five ESG trends for 2023

ESG is a highly significant topic for businesses, investors and policymakers across the world. Society is much more attuned to its importance, with the younger …
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Elin Ljung

Operating Partner, Head of Sustainability & Communications