Robust governance
Strong corporate governance, including sustainable supply chain management, legal compliance, business ethics, cybersecurity and whistleblowing systems are key to creating resilience. As an owner and investor we expect our stakeholders to work proactively against corruption in all its forms.
Governance metrics | Portfolio Companies
of portfolio companies have a whistleblowing policy or system in place
of portfolio companies have adopted a Code of Conduct

Cyber security in focus
To respond to the increasing risk of data breaches, Nordic Capital has a portfolio-wide cyber security programme to support companies focus on protection, detection, response and recovery actions. The progress is tracked by Nordic Capital’s Cyber Security Steering Group on a regular basis, to ensure best possible routines and best-practice sharing in the portfolio.

Creating resilient and sustainable supply
We believe that procurement excellence is regarded as a key value lever that delivers a sustainable competitive advantage, act as a catalyst for innovation, and fuel future growth. Supply chain management is key to ensuring that sustainability practices are passed on upstream throughout the value chain. Through our centralised procurement programme, we support our companies to conduct their business with respect for internationally recognised human rights, reject the use of any form of forced, child or compulsory labour and have zero tolerance for all forms of discrimination, harassment or bullying across the supply chain.