Target 5.5
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making
Nordic Capital firmly believes in measuring sustainable impact with clear KPIs and being transparent in our efforts to drive sustainable performance. We leverage the SDGs as guidance on where we can make the greatest contribution and realise significant business opportunities.
Nordic Capital firmly believes in measuring sustainable impact with clear KPIs and being transparent in our efforts to drive sustainable performance. We are guided by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on where we can make the greatest contribution and realise significant business opportunities.
SDG Targets
Target 5.5
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making
Target 8.3
Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises
Target 12.1
Implement the 10 year sustainable consumption and production framework
Target 13.2
Integrate climate change measures into policy and planning
Target 16.5
Substantially reduce corruption and bribery
KPI 2024 (2023)
Female representation at Board of Directors (external board members)
Organic employment growth in portfolio
of portfolio companies with sustainability strategy in place
tCO2e carbon intensity (tCO2e per sales MEUR) in portfolio
of portfolio companies with Code of Conduct in place
Nordic Capital seeks to act as a role model by measuring, acting and increasing
ESG awareness within our own organisation.
professionals trained in ESG since 2014
tCO2e per FTE in 2023 with 100% carbon offset
female professionals in 2024
Nordic Capital is committed to the global ILPA ESG Data Convergence Initiative, which seeks to standardise ESG metrics and provide a mechanism for comparative reporting for the private market industry. Private equity industry stakeholders are encouraged to join this partnership of over 100 members to gather better, more informed ESG data, and in turn collectively drive greater progress on critical ESG issues.
PRI reporting is the largest global reporting project on responsible investment, with signatories required to report publicly on their responsible investment activities each year. In turn, they receive a number of outputs, including an Assessment Report.
The Scorecard is an export of the scores for all the assessed indicators and modules during the 2024 reporting period.
Policy Governance and Strategy
Direct - Private Equity
Confidence Building Measures